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INTERNATIONAL FILMS is a UK Registered Charity No: 261968

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Associated Companies
Trinity Vision http://www.trinityvision.co.uk
Christian Television Association http://www.cta.uk.com
United Christian Broadcasters http://www.ucb.co.uk

NTSC versions of our product
Gateway Films/Vision Video (USA) http://www.visionvideo.com

Also available from
Word Australia http://www.word.com.au/

Foreign Language Versions
These companies have dubbed or subtitled versions of one or more of the following titles.
Treasures of the Snow, Tanglewoods’ Secret, The Intruder, The Rescuer, The Outsider.

Arabic Sat-7 http://www.sat7.org
Danish Felix Film http://www.felixfilm.dk/felix.php
Dutch Evangelische Omroep http://www.eo.nl/portals/homepage.jsp
French CLC france e-mail: clcfrance@free.fr
German ERF Deutschland e.V http://www.erf.de
Hannsler Ferlag: http://www5.haenssler.de/
Norwegian InterFilm & SolFilm Tel: (08) 753 44 04
Poland Vocatio Publishing House http://www.vocatio.com.pl/
Portuguese COMEV http://www.elnetshop.com.br/comev/_loja/p_home.cfm
Romania Alfa Omega tv http://www.alfanet.ro
Russian From International Films UK
Taiwanese Baptist Mass Communication Centre: Tel: (02) 357 6300

Useful organisations
If you are showing videos in a public place then you will probably need to be covered for copyright
through a licensing agreement.
Christian Video Licensing International http://www.cvle.com/

CEVMA The Christian European Visual Media Association: http://www.cevma.com

More about the Content of our product
To know more about some of the people we have filmed or where you can get the original books.

John Robinson, Nobody’s Child: The Message http://www.message.org.uk/

Treasures of the Snow and Tanglewoods’ Secret, Scripture Union http://www.scriptureunion.org.uk/